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WHAT IS GLUTENGluten is the proteins found in wheat, oats, rye and barley that gives the rubbery or elastic texture in bread. It binds the particles in breads and cakes together and avoid them from crumbling. COMMON SYMPTOMS OF GLUTEN INTOLERANCEThey normally include the following:
Taking gluten products continually can cause a resistance build-up in our bodies until it reaches the level where the above listed symptoms can be observed. IS GLUTEN INTOLERANCE IDENTICAL TO COELIAC DISEASE?Not exactly. Coeliac disease (also called Sprue in adults) takes around 13 years to develop. The three following antibodies (i) gliadin (gluten); (ii) transglutaminase antibodies and (iii) endomysium should be identified simultaneously for the diagnosis, with a further confirmation through Biopsy. TREATMENT OF GLUTEN INTOLERANCE / COELIAC DISEASEIn the initial stage of the coeliac disease, symptoms can be missing or unspecific. There is a higher risk of developing coeliac disease in the individuals who do not show any of the symptoms but have antibodies to gluten detected by the ImuPro test. DETECTION OF GLUTEN INTOLERANCEImuPro 300 food allergy test is the most comprehensive IgG test available, covering 270 food items. Being easy, fast and effective it identifies the food(s)/ingredient you are allergic to. This allows you to have a clear idea what food(s) or ingredient(s) is to be avoided that is causing these symptoms, rather than having to maintain a strict diet that eliminates the entire food group. Contact Us Now!Feel heard! Feel understood by sharing your health problems with us. We are here to help you. |