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"ImuPro – Because you can be sensitive to healthy food"
World's leading ImuPro 300 – a Food Intolerance Blood Test by German based pharmaceuticals R-Biopharm is now available in Saudi Arabia under the sole distribution right of Aldawlieh Alasasya Medical Co – ADAM.
Are you :
- Staying down most of the time?
- Feeling tired after taking meals?
Or having chronic symptoms like: frustrated from bouts of constipation, bowel irregularities, diarrhea, diabetes, hypertension, weight problems, migraine and chronic headaches, skin diseases like eczema, itching skin or suffering depression and having irregular sleeping routine, etc.
Sounds familiar? Is it you or your near ones? Speak to us, now! Share with us! We Will Help YOU!
Our food intolerances are usually invisible to us. However, if you notice the above mentioned symptoms, you must not leave it unattended. Under such circumstances, you should consider getting yourself tested for a comprehensive type III IgG food allergy test such as ImuPro.
ImuPro 300 food allergy test is the most comprehensive IgG test available, covering 270 food items. Being easy, fast and effective, it identifies the food(s)/ingredient you are sensitive to. This allows you to have a clear idea what food(s) or ingredient(s) is to be avoided that is causing these symptoms, rather than having to maintain a strict diet that eliminates the entire food group.
- Blood sample is drawn.
- Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) tests for IgG antibodies. Around 270 listed food items are tested for allergies.
- Personalized profile and test results will be prepared within 15 working days. The personalized profile reads what the diet plan should be like in detail indicating what food/ingredient should be avoided for a certain period of time. A personalized recipe section has also been included in the report based on ones allergies. This specially formulated recipe section encourage one to improve one's healthy eating habits
- ImuPro, in a nutshell: Complying with the dietary recommendations one can experience significant improvements in one's well-being. Why and what one would ask for more when one is learning new ways to enjoy the food in healthy way.
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